Chantelle "Cee" Cardona, is the CEO and founder of "Moss By Cee". At the age of 11, the CEO suffered from chronic pains and health complication that was deemed"normal" by doctors for over 15 years.

Cee began to understand that the all-natural healing route was the way to go. The constant battle of finding information led Cee to understand one thing, the Earth produces all the food and medicines we need.

After experimenting with different Seamoss, Fruit, & Herbal blends, Cee eventually began to heal in ways she never thought possible before.

Today "Moss By Cee" is growing to be a leading Seamoss Product distributor in not only the Boston, Mass. area, but the entire New England region. With the most affordable blends, and the widest selection of flavors and upcoming products, Cee is in route to becoming the leading Seamoss distributor in New England.